Unapologetically Pursue What You Want

Sigma Male

A Mans main purpose in life is to find and pursue a purpose.  A woman’s purpose in life is to bare children and nurture them into the next generation.  For a man, we have a little more freedom in what we pursue and how we pursue it.  This might be the epicenter of the inequality in male suicide rates and depression.  But when a man finds a purpose that he finds truly worthwhile to dedicate his life to, then that man is unstoppable. 

Since we are going down this path, lets touch on a women’s purpose first.  Women are brought into this world and have the greatest and most demanding responsibility thrust upon them without choice.  That responsibility is to bare children and raise and nurture them into the next generation of humans that will keep this species moving forward, and hopefully in the right direction.  It is an innate purpose that women embrace and lean into without (most of the time) hesitation.  For man, especially in today’s modern society, our purpose is not as clear.

To find a man’s purpose we must break down where we came from and how we evolved.  It would be silly to try and justify who we are and what we are feelings based on the way we see life today.  Modern society has developed much quicker than humans.  City have transformed faster than our bodies.  Technology has evolved faster than our brains.  Much faster.  Lets take a walk down the evolution of man to really see the extreme disparity development. 

Beginning Of Earth – 4,540,000,000 Years Ago

When Earth first formed it was not even able to support life.  At approximately, 1/3rd the life of the universe…this is where it all started.

Sahelanthropus – 7,000,000 Years Ago

This ancestor of ours was the first to walk on two legs.  It is believed they became bipedal to adapt to their environment.

Australopithecus – 4,200,000 Years Ago

Sahelanthropus was replaced by Australopithecus and become the first fully uprighy, bipedal and free-striding gait.

Earliest Knapped Stone Artefacts – 3,300,000 Years Ago

Our ancestors started shaping rocks.  This is essentially the beginning of what sets humans apart from animals.

Earliest Humans (Homosapiens) – 2,800,000 Years Ago

These ancestors had a rounded chin and were smaller and developed slimmer molars.

Earliest Stone Tools – 2,600,000 Years Ago

It took us almost a million years to go from shaping rocks to developing tools.  These tools were used for chopping through flesh, bone, and bark.

Earliest Stone Hand Aves – 1,700,000 Years Ago

These Achuelean tools were specifically for butchering, cutting, stripping, hammering, and drilling. 

Earliest Control Of Fire – 1,000,000 Years Ago

This unique human capability allowed us to extend the day by firelight and raise the nutritive value of food with cooking.

Earliest Abstract Markings – 500,000 Years Ago

Zigzag engravings on a shell by Homo-Erectus are the first “drawings”.

Earliest representatives Of Our Species – 315,000 Years Ago

The facial and dental structure of these ancestors were similar to modern humans, but we still had the elongation of the braincase.

Beginnings Of Complex Societies – 3,800 years Ago

Industrial Revolution – 241 Years Ago

The mass production of spun textiles, powered by water, and the production of iron and steel, powered by steam. 

Technological Revolution – 76 Years Ago

The first proposed electronic calculator was invented.  Sparking our journey into technology. 

Man, like any species, evolves very slowly.  We adapt very fast to different and ever changing environments but the permanent evolutionary changes that happen are extremely slow.  The introduction of new concepts and tools to humans takes hundreds of thousands of years to show any real change in our innate biological and instinctual nature. 

With this in mind, we can determine what a mans true purpose is in today’s society.  Throughout the history of our species, man has been responsible for a few important aspects to ensure the survival of the next generation.  Men innately want to hunt and compete

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